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Single central record (SCR)

Last updated on 25 October 2022

It is a statutory requirement for all schools, colleges (including Academies, Free and Independent School) to keep a “Single Central Record” (SCR), referred to in the regulations as “the register”. The SCR must cover the following people;

  • all staff (including supply staff, and teacher trainees on salaried routes) who work at the school. In colleges, this means those providing education to children; and
  • for independent schools, including academies and free schools, all members of the proprietor body.

For full details of the requirement please refer to part three of the DfE's "Keeping Children Safe in Education" (KCSiE) guidance;

DfE: Keeping children safe in education 

Safe Staffing team - Single Central Record (SCR) Service

The Single Central Record service we provide includes the provision of a regularly updated template and guidance, an annual audit of the SCR as well as support and guidance through the audit year. The new revised SCR template and guidance has been praised by Ofsted and covers all the statutory requirements as well as best practice.

Your audit will be scheduled during the audit year and you will be contacted two weeks before your audit is due requesting it to be submitted. It can be sent via Anycomms, Anycomms Plus or email. We will assess the content and provide feedback with recommendations (where required).

The last updated version of the SCR template and guidance was sent out to all schools and academies who bought this service in 2018.

If you do not buy into this service and are interested in how we can help you please contact us on email:

For any SCR queries, please call 01992 555896 (schools) or 01992 555895 (Academies)

Reference risk assessment 

A template reference risk assessment, along with other useful risk assessments can be found on the HFL Education HR Portal for subscribing schools or academies.

Please contact HFL Education HR Services for further support and advice on 01438 844873 or email:

Other useful guidance and links

Visitors to the school

A record should be kept of all visitors to the school, however these do not need to be noted on the single central record if they are infrequent. When official visitors come to the school, you should be aware of their visit prior to their arrival.  They should sign in to the school and show photographic ID, proving who they are.  A DBS is not required providing supervision is in place.

Schools and colleges do not have the power to request DBS checks and barred list checks, or ask to see DBS certificates, for visitors (for example children’s relatives or other visitors attending a sports day). Headteachers and principals should use their professional judgment about the need to escort or supervise visitors. (Please refer to Part three KCSiE)

In compliance with the DfE Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance, schools are required to update the HCC single central record with the date they were informed ‘All Necessary Checks Completed’; for ISL visitors.  They would need to record the date that they had sight of the letter from ISL.

HCC and agency staff

For agency and third party supply staff, schools and colleges must also include whether written confirmation has been received that the employment business supplying the member of supply staff has carried out the relevant checks and obtained the appropriate certificates, and the date that confirmation was received and whether any enhanced DBS certificate check has been provided in respect of the member of staff.

Please refer to the HFL Education HR Services portal for guidance on employing agency workers. Please contact HR Services for further support and advice on 01438 844873.

HFL Education: HR Services portal

(Please refer to part three of KCSiE.)

Last updated on 25 October 2022