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Hertfordshire data

Last updated on 03 March 2021

School data requirements - help is at hand with Herts Insight

Herts Insight enables access to a wide range of data, information and intelligence relating to the county of Hertfordshire. Content includes economic development, community safety strategies, community and corporate plans, area profiles, socio-economic data, demographic data, crime and policing statistics and much more. The audience for the site ranges from large multi-national corporations to local SMEs, from students working on projects to professional researchers, from those providing services to Hertfordshire citizens to the general public and individuals from home and abroad who have an interest in the county and what it offers.

Some examples of areas the Herts Insight may be able to help schools with are:

School self evaluation

As part of school self-evaluation, schools need to be able to judge how well they are doing. This isn’t simply about the number of qualifications with which pupils leave the school, but should also demonstrate how success is translating into benefits for the community. The local-level data will help give schools a clear understanding of their impact on the community.

Curriculum subjects

Offers data sets and resources which can be used by teachers and pupils in a range of curriculum subjects such as geography, citizenship, maths, science and R.E.

Hertfordshire school performance data

Herts assessment profiles

Visit Herts Insight

Herts Insight is managed by Hertfordshire County Council:

HCC: Herts Insight


Community Information and Intelligence Unit,
Hertfordshire County Council, 
County Hall,
Pegs Lane,
SG13 8DQ

For further information please email:

Last updated on 03 March 2021